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March 7, 2007

Snakes On A Plane

Filed under: Main — Ryan Jones @ 11:34 am

I just watched Snakes On A Plane the other nite. It was actually a pretty decent movie. I can’t understand why people are complaining about it. If anything, it was brutally honest. It gave you just what it promised. Snakes. Plane. Samuel L Jackson saying things like “motherfucking snakes” and “motherfucking plane.” What more could you ask for?

Snakes on a Plan delievers exactly what it promises: snakes… on a plane.

Sure, there were some factual errors. If you’re an animal buff you’ll notice where some snakes are digital and that the real snakes are all non-poisonous look-alikes, but that doesn’t really detract from the movie. I thought it was worth the rental fee.

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