Ryan Jones Blog – dotCULT.com Ryan Jones Blogs About Internet Culture, Marketing, SEO, & Social Media

January 1, 2005

Oil Profits

Filed under: Uncategorized — Ryan Jones @ 12:00 am

buy modafinil from india online Exxon Mobil recently announced their 4th quarter profits.. Just shy of 10 Billion dollars.

For those of you keeping track that’s the largest 1-quarter profits ever by an American company. To put it in perspective: Bahrain (the home of Michael Jackson and leading oil supplier to Exxon Mobil) only has a Gross Domestic Product of 9 billion.

If you remember, the 4th quarter also included Hurricane Katrina, so called “gas shortages” and other problems that all resulted in $4.00 / gallon gas prices.

Of course, now that we see their profits for that quarter, these were all neccessary right?


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