Ryan Jones Blog – dotCULT.com Ryan Jones Blogs About Internet Culture, Marketing, SEO, & Social Media

December 6, 2006

Toy Hall of Fame

Filed under: Uncategorized — Ryan Jones @ 12:00 am

It’s probably not official, but a website calling itself the national toy hall of fame lists 36 of the most popular toys of all time. How they came up with 36 is beyond me.

So let’s see… of the 36 I’ve had 32 (33 if you count roller blades as roller skates.) Somehow my parents never bought me Raggedy Ann, Barbie, or an easy bake oven. Does that make me neglected?

On a site note, at one time in my life I’ve either swalled or ingested at least 6 of the toys listed. (though not at the same time). How many of these toys did you have growing up?

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