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January 1, 2005

World War 3

Filed under: Uncategorized — Ryan Jones @ 12:00 am

http://livingriver.eu/?m=201911 US Senators have said that a military strike against IRAN must be an option.

That is, they’ve given the president permission to use force against Iran too…. not just Iraq.

We’re already fighting a war in 2 countries, why not start one in a 3rd right?

Our war mongering President has just started world war 3, and nobody seems to care.

Dont’ tell me he wasn’t planning this either, he’s already got Iran surrounded on 3 sides… Iraq, Afghanistan, and the fleet in the persian Gulf. You’re naive if you think it’s really about nuclear weapons.

Would it be ok if some other country used force to prevent our nuclear weapons program? Why is it perfectly ok for us to have nuclear weapons, but not for other countries to do so?

How many more years? It may just be too late then.

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