Ryan Jones Blog – dotCULT.com Ryan Jones Blogs About Internet Culture, Marketing, SEO, & Social Media

March 31, 2011

Google Plus One (+1) – a 1 minute primer

Filed under: Main — Ryan Jones @ 2:37 pm

You probably know by now that Google recently announced the release of their +1 button. (pronounced Google Plus One)

Danny Sullivan has a very thorough writeup of plus one, but it can take lots of time to read. Chances are, people are asking you for the details now.

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What is plus one? It’s a little button next to search results that when clicked tells your social network you “liked” that page. +1 is very similar to Facebook’s like button. You need to have a Google Profile set up to use it properly.

Here’s some other quick facts:

  1. You can opt in over at Google.com/experimental
  2. Yes, it will probably affect your SEO rankings AND paid search ads
  3. You can sign up to get a +1 button on your site over here
  4. For advertisers, there’s no way to opt out.
  5. +1 stats will be available in adwords and (soon) in webmaster tools

There you go. There’s the major takeaways of Google’s plus one. For more, check out Danny Sullivan’s article linked to above.

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