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June 26, 2009

How To Make iPhone Remote Work On OS3.0

Filed under: Main — Ryan Jones @ 9:56 am

If you’ve just recently updated your iPhone to version 3.0 of the iPhone software you may have noticed that the apple Tunes remote application has stopped working. When I updated, attempting to open the remote application would instantly cause it to crash. I quickly looked to see if there was an update, and there wasn’t.

A quick search of forums, blogs, and twitter shows that a few other people are having the same problem.

Good news, http://neilfeather.com/ALFA_DATA/alfacgiapi/perl.alfa there is an update available, except it’s not marked as an update.

Here’s how to make your iPhone remote application work:

Load up the app store on the iPhone and search for remote. You’ll see the exact same application you have installed. Click the “install” to re-download it and you’ll get a popup saying you already have this application. Tap yes to install it anyway.

That’s all there is to it. The remote application should work as normal now.

1 Comment

  1. The remote still does not work for me. could i get some help?

    Comment by Suraj — July 16, 2009 @ 5:44 pm

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