Just a quick note to let people know that I’ve accepted a new job with ZAAZ. Starting in April I’ll be taking on the position of “search marketing strategist” at the local Dearborn ZAAZ office.
It’ll be a big change from my previous role at but it’s something I’m excited about. I’ve been used to the start-up culture and experience, and that’s why I liked this opportunity at ZAAZ After visiting their offices, it’s clear that they’re a big company that really values keeping the start-up atmosphere. If you haven’t had the chance to work in the type of environment I’m talking about, you’re really missing out. It’s why I like start-ups, and it’s what made the ZAAZ decision easy.
As far as goes, I’m still friends with everybody there and will continue to talk to them regularly. I loved having the chance to meet the venture capitalists and CEOs that I worked with daily, and I’m sure we’ll still keep bouncing ideas off of each other as time goes on.
Now is also a good time to remind everybody that the views and opinions I blog about are mine, and mine only, and in no way relate to those of any company I work for. I say that because I regularly blog about SEO, start-ups, search, and marketing – and I just want to let people know that even though I may hold one opinion, that opinion isn’t necessarily the best or proper one for the situation or company I may work with. I know how boring these statements are, but I like putting them out there to avoid any confusion.
Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for me at ZAAZ