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November 2, 2010

Liveblogging BlueglassFL: Online PR – The Art of Getting Your Business Talked About

Filed under: Main — Ryan Jones @ 8:49 am

  Online PR – The Art of Getting Your Business Talked About (11/02/2010) 

Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:02 
Up first is the Online PR session featuring Peter Shankman, Brian Clark, Lisa Buyer, and Loren Baker.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:04 
They’re talking about how most conferences have speakers who have no business speaking.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:10 

Because there are 60 others live-tweeting #BlueGlassFL I’ll only tweet sarcastic remarks that have no context. Not really, but follow the # [via Twitter]

Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:16 DJLitten

First up at #BlueGlassFL – “Online PR: The Art of Getting Your Business Talked About”, @copyblogger, @petershankman @LisaBuyer [via Twitter]

Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:17 ElizabethB
First up is Brian Clark.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:23 
Peter Shankman just compared PR to prostitution. Well put.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:26 
PR is not dead. it’s come to life in a different way. That way could be a tweet, a facebook, a blog. – LIsa
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:28 
Peter: Don’t worry about doing PR, just have a story worth sharing and hit the right journalist with it.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:28 
PR in the traditional sense is earned media, but now the smarter approach is to become part of the media and use everybody else as your distribution channel instead of relying just on the newswires. Brian doesn’t do any traditional press releases – his audience doesn’t read them.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:29 
Get people engaged and interested, and they won’t mind when a promotion comes through the channel. In fact, they’ll even promote your promotion for you. – Brian
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:30 
Peter started out helping reporters find sources for stories. The key is to add value for journalists. Peter also runs HARO – short for “help a reporter out”
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:31 
http://www.helpareporterout.com I’ll give Peter a free plug here.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:32 
If you’re an expert in something, Blog about it. HARO, and most journalists will search for the term they’re writing about and contact the first blogger they find in search results.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:33 
Learn to write first. Then when you contact a journalist keep it quick. Here’s how I can help you and here’s my contact information.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:34 
I don’t want to say I’ve gotten good at this, but I was on the homepage of CNN last month 🙂
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:35 
A good SEO will cater to a blogger’s ego. Brian finds that annoying. I agree with Brian. There’s already too many handjobs in SEO – we don’t need more. (and you thought I could go to an SEO conference and not use the word handjob!)
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:37 
Brian says SEOs cater to bloggers egos, and it annoys him. I agree – there’s already too many handjobs in SEO
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:38 
Lisa: Let the editors know you’ve read their publications. Reference an article in your email to the journalist.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:40 
I’m kind of wondering how much more PR I could get if I actively sought it out. Currently, I don’t send any pitches for NoSlang.com but I always end up in the news. Perhaps I should try this.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:41 

#BlueglassFL Rule #1 Learn to write. Rule #2 Learn to write. [via Twitter]

Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:41 Thos003
The media is on Twitter and Facebook. It’s ok to make friends with them when you’re NOT looking for something.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:43 
Journalists Twitter and Facebook are public. Don’t send a “dear journalist” letter. If your twitter or facebook is public, don’t be a nutjob or they won’t respond to you.

Scoble may like it when you call him, but most reporters don’t.

Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:44 
OLD PR: going into a bar and telling a woman how great you are.

New PR: having the girl’s friend tell her how great you are.

The goal of PR (just like dating) isn’t to say how great you are, but to get others to say how great you are.

Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:48 
Offer journalists an exclusive – they’ll bend over backwards for you.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:52 
old media isn’t as dumb as you’d think. The NYT is great at linkbaiting. SEe the “we won’t use the word tweet” fiasco. @copyblogger thinks it was done for linkbait.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:54 
Look at your business and figure out what plan goes with that. Don’t just try to be on social media if it doesn’t fit.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:56 
The WIFI in here can’t handle everybody.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 9:58 
IF you don’t have good photography, invest the money for it. Eye candy will help your story.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 10:00 
89% of people use texting. He says there’s two reasons for it. Shockingly, sexting wasn’t one of the reasons.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 10:01 
Foursquare currently only appeals to geeks who don’t value their privacy. Don’t invest in it. Not sure I agree with this, the same was said about Twitter when I first signed up
Tuesday November 2, 2010 10:02 
Nobody’s going to buy your facebook fan page – so why are you driving traffic to it? Use facebook to drive traffic back to your own page.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 10:04 
@lisabuyer: Hit them where they are. all roads lead back to your website. If users are on “the twitter” or “the facebook” engage them there and lead them back to your website. Don’t take them from your website to twitter or facebook. They can’t buy there, and what happens if your FB or Twitter goes away?

Nobody is going to pay you for your twitter profile or facebook fan page – and you can’t sell anything from it.

Tuesday November 2, 2010 10:08 
I’ve worked with clients before who get this backwards. I’m glad I finally hear others preaching the path FROM social media TO brand sites, instead of the other way around that many companies currently use.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 10:09 
Your first interaction with a reporter should NOT be a pitch. It should be something helpful to the reporter.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 10:13 
New question: Is there any value in studying journalism?

Answer yes.

My answer: The plural of journalism major is “baristas”

Tuesday November 2, 2010 10:16 
Peter shankman: You CAN wear spandex, but you probably shouldn’t. Just like you CAN spam twitter or facebook – but you probably shouldn’t.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 10:18 

RT @amyvernon: Oh, SNAP – RT @RyanJones: Whats the plural of “journalism major?” Baristas. #BlueglassFL [via Twitter]

Tuesday November 2, 2010 10:19 erikakerekes
Summary of this post so far: Spandex is a privilege.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 10:20 
@thos003 is asking a question: I get calls from local reporters wanting a story, I spend all this time helping them and they drop the story. How do I prevent that?

Answer: You don’t.

Tuesday November 2, 2010 10:21 
Remember that spandex part later when we’re out at the pool everybody. It’s a privilege not a right.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 10:22 
That’s it. 15 minute break time. I may or may not do the “how to buy and sell” session.
Tuesday November 2, 2010 10:28 




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