Ryan Jones Blog – dotCULT.com Ryan Jones Blogs About Internet Culture, Marketing, SEO, & Social Media

January 18, 2007

My Comment Policy

Filed under: Main — Ryan Jones @ 11:57 pm

http://prepaid365awards.co.uk/winners/2012-winners/ Some of you have asked me why their comments didn’t show up right away, so I just want to make a quick update so I have something to point to later. I probably don’t need this, and it’s most likely overkill… but here goes.

ALL comments come to me first (that is, if they’re not killed off by the akismet spam filter. It stops that refinance guy about 20 times / day so far). Once I approve one of your comments, then it’ll let you post the rest to the main page (you have to use the same name that I approved… a good way to send me a private message is to use a new name and tell me not to approve it)

In addition to that, any comment that has a hyperlink in it gets held for me to approve too. I’m usually very quick to approve comments (within an hour unless I’m sleeping or playing hockey)

Also… all comment links will get a rel=nofollow added (along with any links to your homepage that you enter)

Here’s some other guidelines to ensure that I approve your comment:

1.) Please keep it on-topic. I’ll pretty much approve anything unless you’re just ranting about something unrelated or shamelessly promoting your own crap. Only I can shamelessly promote crap on dotCULT.

2.) Please don’t post incriminating or identifying information about other people. As long as what you type is legal and doesn’t infringe on somebody else’s rights, I’ll probably approve it. I’m not here to censor your opinions.

Hopefully, the combination of these policies will result in no more spam. We can only dream right?


  1. I have a comment: your feed-button is awesome! It was even easier to setup than I thought it would be!

    You can check it out on my blog. I also plan on writing a series on the blog about master storytellers and some of the quirks I notice within them, if anyone is interested.

    Comment by Shaggy — January 21, 2007 @ 10:51 am

  2. I think you’re infringing on my civil liberties as an American. In some way or other.

    Comment by Alexander — January 22, 2007 @ 4:21 am

  3. Oh and HG, isn’t it a little self-defeating to block spam comments offering refinancing, then have a google ad for “Bad Credit” prominently in your header?

    Comment by Alexander — January 22, 2007 @ 4:23 am

  4. Haha, nice comments Al… not this infringing again lol.

    I’ve updated my “policy” to say that only I can shamelessly promote stuff on my blog 🙂

    Comment by Ryan — January 22, 2007 @ 8:51 am

  5. Seriously though dude – the Yahoo ads, what’s the dealio? If you have to have them, can’t you tailor them to your audience?

    Comment by Alexander — January 23, 2007 @ 6:22 am

  6. Yeah I don’t know what’s up with them.

    on the other sites of mine that use Yahoo ads, they’re really custom (that is, my text messaging websites get ads about cell phones, ringtones, etc)

    I’m not sure why they’re not somewhat related here. Nobobdy clicks that though anyway, so maybe I’ll do something to fix it.

    Comment by Ryan — January 23, 2007 @ 8:49 am

  7. Yeah, I just think it looks tacky, and I’m pretty sure 1 text ad won’t pay your hosting bills. Personally, I’ve *never* clicked a text ad, or a banner ad, on purpose in my entire internet life. They’re just the static on top of the actual content (where it exists) IMHO.

    Comment by Alexander — January 24, 2007 @ 5:15 am

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