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June 17, 2008

My iPhone 3 Wish List

Filed under: Main — Ryan Jones @ 12:28 pm

With the iPhone 2 coming out very soon, I’ve started thinking ahead to the iPhone version 3 and all of the features I’d like to see included on it. All of these are possible right now, so they’re not really a stretch.

  • order Lyrica samples Picture Messages – this should have been a V1 feature, and at the very least V2. Come on Apple, let me send those pictures I took without using email.
  • Mini Projector – That’s right. Built in projector. Microvision as the technology now and a couple of your competitors expect to have phones out in the next year. I’d love to be able to open a power point on my phone and show it to people at a meeting, or a picture for grandma.
  • That brings me to Store Office Docs – Sometimes I need to carry around a Word doc or a PowerPoint and make edits to it. This gets more useful with the projection, but I still need it.
  • AM/FM Transmitter – Yes I want to be able to listen to the Tigers game on my phone while I’m at the game watching, but the cooler feature is the other way around. I want to be able to play my iTunes from my phone through a radio without having to use cords. Don’t make me buy a separate device, build it into the phone.
  • Mobile TV – AT&T already has this on the LG VU, why can’t I have it on the iPhone too?
  • Geotagging – I’ve got a GPS now, let me geotag my photos
  • RFID Payment – I can swipe my VISA card for payment, why not my phone? Let me enter in my CC details in an admin and then just swipe the phone. You can set a pin # to use it or something for security.

That’s what I’d like to see on a phone, and I wouldn’t mind paying a premium price for it. What features do you want?


  1. On the plus, geotagging is automatic on 3g Iphones!

    My wishlist also has the mini projector on it. That’d be an awesome addition and really turn the iphone from phone / computer into a comptuer that doubles as a phone.

    Comment by Kai Davis — June 17, 2008 @ 6:01 pm

  2. I know the guys over at Microvision and I have had the opportunity to play with the mini-projector for over a year. It is nifty! C’mon Apple –let me port that baby to the trey.

    Comment by linda cadigan — June 19, 2008 @ 3:54 pm

  3. What about the basics, like being able to send SMS to multiple recipients at once, and a sound recorder?

    iPhone – great gadget, shit phone.

    Comment by Alexander — June 25, 2008 @ 8:28 am

  4. Alex, they added the multiple recipients at once in a previous update. Thank god.

    If you need that feature without an iphone though, you can use a site of mine: http://www.textbunch.com

    As for sound recorder, neat idea but not sure how useful. I’d never use it.

    Comment by Ryan — June 25, 2008 @ 10:11 am

  5. I use the sound recorder on my Nokia N95 as a dictaphone and also to bootleg gigs/record band rehearsals etc but I guess everyone’s usage is different.

    I like the N95 but the battery life is pretty awful.

    Comment by Alexander — June 26, 2008 @ 5:55 am

  6. Well, to really get down to basics… until Apple sort out iTap properly the way it has been on Nokia and Motorola for years (i.e. so you DON’T have to pick the first word it suggests!!!!) then I’ll just stick with the real-world “phone functionality” of my trusty Motorola Raz-r V3X for the time-being, until a later version 2.x software update comes out… then and only then will I look at it.

    I so want Apple to kick Nokia into oblivion and rule the phone world too, but it needs to get the basics right first.

    Only two thing on my wish-list (TV on the phone will come anyway in the next few years as it’s already been on-trial by the BBC and BT for over a year now in London) is at least a 5mp camera/Video with decent optics.

    Comment by MJC — July 23, 2008 @ 12:40 pm

  7. I would like all the features of windows mobile 6.1 with an Iphone operating shell. The ability to install any app available, not just the bollocks that apple say you can install. A better camera with video plus all the other things you mentioned earlier.
    So come on Stevie boy…. I’ve stood by you since the eighties, get your act together and stop givin’ me the same old powerpc wrong decision crap and get it right on iphone 3!
    I want one but becuase of the lack of features i’ve stayed with windows mobile….. get it right and i’ll jump ship!

    Comment by Marcus — July 24, 2008 @ 7:29 am

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