Some of you may have noticed the new widget on the bottom of the sidebar. No it’s not people I know, it’s people who actually read this blog. It’s called MyBlogLog and it’s one of the newest services to be bought by Yahoo.
Always one to follow a crowd, I figured I’d try it out for a bit. Here’s my review:
As far as the “who’s reading” feature, I think it’s cool as heck. It’s interesting to know a little bit about your anonymous readers – you know, those of you reading this right now without ever leaving me a comment. It’s ok to comment, I don’t bite.
The stats are neat too, but nothing that Webalizer or Google Analytics don’t already tell me.
Now for some history.
Before MyBlogLog, I was getting about 5-6 spam comments / day. All blocked of course by the Akismet wordpress plugin.
After MyBlogLog, I’m averaging 1 every minute. In fact, in the time it took me to go and delete all the spam comments, I got 5 more.
As much as I don’t want to, it looks like I’ll have to install a captcha on here instead of the “type ryan” thing. Who knows, I may even leave both.
Anybody else notice a serious increase in spam comments after installing the MyBlogLog widget? If so, comment and let me know about it.