It seems I’ve found my motivation. I managed to get a bunch of small changes done tonight that I’ve been wanting to get done to some of my websites for a while. The good news is that I got about 5 or 6 things done. The bad news is, I’ve got about 20 or 30 more to do.
So here’s what I did:
- Added a cool new feed scroller to the bottom of feedbutton
- Added links to my Shoutwire editorials on the right side of dotCULT
- Finally fixed translatebritish – it works again!
- Got around to approving about 100 new words for noslang – and added a dropdown to the menu too!
- Got some work done on an upcoming project called allslang. It’s nowhere close to done, but I got started
- A few other things too that I’m not at liberty to talk about yet… more news coming soon!
It feels good to finally get my programming motivation back. I hope I can channel this into the next few months and get some really cool things done.