Ryan Jones Blog – dotCULT.com Ryan Jones Blogs About Internet Culture, Marketing, SEO, & Social Media

January 8, 2009

Suggestion: Google, Implement URL Suggestions

Filed under: Main — Ryan Jones @ 2:32 am

buy Latuda 40mg Hey Google… When I mistype a word in one of your URLs (like “adsese” instead of “adsense”), I get sent to a custom error page that looks like this:

Instead of making me re-type the URL, why not just say “Did you mean, Adsense?” and let me click it to go there.

You already have the technology, and it would save me a ton of time. I can’t count how many times per day I type the wrong URL as I bounce between gmail, adsense, adwords, analytics, docs, alerts, calendar, etc. Hell, I spelled 1 of those words wrong while typing this draft.

It’s just a suggestion, and it’s yours to implement freely – but I wouldn’t say no to some free swag when you do implement it 🙂

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