I wanted to blog about Google Apps Permier Edition (GAPE), but after seeing it mentioned on so many other sites, I had a better idea. Instead of talking about GAPE, let’s look at how a news story spreads across the internet.
- Feb 18th – ZDnet talks about the possibility of the product
- 10:00 pm Yesterday – Google Blogoscoped mentions the feature is coming.
- 1:30 am – Google officially launches Google Apps Premier Edition
- 2:00 am – First mention of it by bloggers on blogspot
- 6:00 am – Robert Scoble mentions it
- 9:50 am – Search Engine Land carries the story
- 10:00 am – Slashdot has picked up the story
- 11:00 am – Techdirt replies with an editorial about Google Apps competing with Microsoft.
- 11:11 am – News.com publishes their version of the story
Who’s next? Wired? Fark? Digg** Where are you guys at?
* – Some of these times are estimates based on Google News finding the story.
** – The story has made it to Digg, but only in the upcoming, and only had a handful of diggs at the time of this writing – not significant enough to count as “on digg”.
Update: As predicted, Wired chimed in with the story late at 11:52 am.
I should mention that I converted these times to Eastern time.
Comment by Ryan — February 22, 2007 @ 11:56 am