Jāmadoba Dear Dell,
Let me tell you about my recent experience with your company. I recently ordered a new computer that cost me $1074.54. Due to a glitch in your system, my order went through twice and I recieved 2 computers.
I told fedex to deliver one, and I refused delivery on the other. I called support and you said “don’t worry about it, when we recieve it, we’ll credit you”.
Looking at my credit card bill, I was only credited $899.36. That’s a difference of $175.18.
I called your support line today at 6:30, and it took until 8:30 to get a real person on the other end. My cell phone battery actually died while waiting on hold, and I had to call again.
When I finally got somebody, I was scolded for not knowing my order number, and then placed on hold before he hung up on me. I called back and your annoying computer told me my wait time would be 20 minutes. I also fired off an email, but got no reply.
Now, there’s some obvious problems with this. First of all, you cheated me out of $175. Secondly, you fucking hung up on me. Third, you just showed me that I could have somehow bought my computer for only $899.36…. so you cheated me again.
You owe me $350.36 (not to metion the time I spent on the phone.) I charge clients $50/hour. I couldn’t talk to a client while my phone was tied up, so therefore your owing me total is now about $550.36.
I have already contacted the BBB, and will try again tomorrow to contact you. Please note that I will be charging an additional $50/hour for however long it takes me to rectify this situation. Please let me know where to send a bill.
Thank you very little
Ryan Jones.