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January 1, 2005

Apple Customer Service

Filed under: Uncategorized — Ryan Jones @ 12:00 am

http://iowabookgal.com/EspartoStudio,recycledbookart,bookpageprint,bookjewelry,reginasmith,reginasuhrbier/harcourt/ Let me tell you a story about how NOT to treat your customers.

When ordering my Ipod online, I decided to order the play it over your car stereo accessory, so I added it to the cart too. A quick check of it’s description says “works with all Ipods”.

Upon recieving my order though, I found out it was an old package and it didn’t work with the new ipod that I ordered.

So, I called Apple, explained the situation and asked that they send me a box to return it. While on the phone, I also ordered a correct part and a AC adapater from the gentleman. I was going out of town, so I paid for next day shipping to use it on my trip.

Well, it came next day, but signature required.. so I didn’t get it next day, in fact I got it 5 days later! Even worse, I had to drive 20 miles to the fedex office to pick it up myself because they had “retryed” shipping while I was away, and wouldn’t leave it without a signature.

So, I called Apple again and asked them to refund me the shipping, as it’s only fair that I don’t pay for shipping when I have to pick something up right? Well, they hung up on me.

It’s at this time I notice that the power adapater the guy sold me is only an attachment, not the adapter itself.

Since my box for the itrip hadn’t arrived yet, I decided to give up and take it to the apple store 30 miles from my house. Store credit only.

I say fine, give me the right stuff… sorry we’re out of stock.

Finally the manager gave me my money back and all ended well, but should I really have to go through all this just to order a power adapter and car part for my ipod?

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