Well, Nevada collectively screwed all of us in an uncomfortable place (like the back of a volkswagen) when they let Central Florida make a come back, and lose the game by missing an extra point.
yes, Nevada still won like we all picked, but they didn’t cover the 1.5 point spread. I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen that. Lost 18 points on that one.
Made up for it by making 17 points on the Memphis covering teh spread against Akron. Sad, it was Akron’s first bowl appearance ever. I ran into some Akron students in the casino before the game. They had no idea how to play blackjack. I don’t know where this is going so on to the next game.
Go Rutgers! For being 14 point underdogs they sure did look good last nite. 8 more points for me 🙂
As much as it pains me to do so, I had to take Nebraska with the points today against Michigan. Michigan has been so unpredictable, and they haven’t really seen the Nebraska option offense since the great Notre Dame teams of years past. I predit a close game, but in the end Nebraska will cover the spread. It’ll come down to Michigan having to stop them from going 80 yards in the final 2 minutes and failing.
Georgia Tech Utah should be a good game tomorrow, Utah’s getting 7.5 points and I think they should cover that. Also tomorrow, Oregon should cover the 7.5 point spread against Oklahoma too.
I love this time of year. From the way I talk, you’d think I had more than $1 riding on each game.. but I don’t. Always gamble with what you can afford to lose…. or somebody else’s money.