Barra Bonita Firstly, let me say welcome to the new server. If you’re seeing this, than you’re reading dotCULT on a newer, faster server that might actually load in under 5 mintues now.
Last night was poker night. That means there’s usually 5-10 drunken guys in in my basement telling lies and playing cards. When Matt and Jesus (pronounced “geez us” not “hey zeus”)…… yes I play poker with Jesus what’s wrong with that?
Anyway, Matt and Jesus got up to leave, then came back in a few seconds later and scared the hell out of my cat with this giant german shepard. Thankfully, he ended up being a nice calm dog (or maybe being around Jesus had something to do with it.) Apparantley he was just wandering around in my driveway.
Jesus said it came up to them when they were leaving, so they put it in my yard while they looked for the owner. Matt had already called the number on the tag and got a voicemail.
“What’s the number?” I said. “It’s warm out, the dog can stay in the yard tonite and I’ll try his owner tomorrow, at least he won’t get run over by a car.”
“it’s 386-,” he started.
Then it hit us, and we both announced “That’s a home phone number – let’s Google it.”
Sure enough, typing the number into Google gave back the guy’s name and address. It was just 2 blocks away. Imagine his suprise when he opened the door to Matt saying “Hey John, I found you dog.”
Thanks Google – without you John’s dog would probably be at the pound this morning.