If you’re like me, you pay most bills right away when they come in the mail. You’ve probably seen all those “renew your subscription to” letters come, and just paid them. It’s pretty standard. Have you ever looked at the little coupon though and compared it to the expiration date on your magazine?
For those who don’t know, your subscription expiration date is listed on the mailing address label of your magazine. If it’s not, then they’re violating US laws.
Anyway, the publishers must be wanting money lately, because last week I received renewal forms for MacLife, MacWorld, InformationWeek, and Sports Illustrated.
The only problem? My MacLife expires in 2010, MacWorld in october 09, information week in Febuary, and SI in 2011.
So why are they sending me renewal notices now? Simple: Most people will pay them. It’s technically not a scam, as they just increase my subscription length – but I’d rather hold on to the money myself instead of giving it to the publisher. Wouldn’t you?
heh, I just got one from MAD magazine today – even though my subscription expires in 08/11
Comment by Ryan — September 12, 2008 @ 2:16 pm